
Powerful DAX & Power Query editor

If you feel not very comfortable with DAX & Power Query editor, have a look at Visual studio code. It provides very efficient and powerful text functions including auto completion, Intellisense, advanced search & replace, …

You will edit your code in different tabs and keywords are coloured according to the language you use.

Much more extensions are available to edit other codes. For instance, you can edit C++, HTML, batch code. The list is long.

How to

  1. First, download Visual studio code :

2. And add DAX and Power Query extensions


3. Then enjoy

Additionaly, you will be able to save your favorite code and to create workspaces.

Though you will need to copy and paste your code from Power Query to Visual studio code and vice versa, you will save a lot of time. Above all, you will not need to close and open the advanced editor to check other pieces of code.

Power BI Sidetools can create files automatically and then open Visual Studio Code :

Phil Seamark provides a powerful solution to connect Visual Studio Code to your model :

In conclusion, give it a try ! It’s worthy.

Adventureworks pbix file

The Adventure Works company represents a bicycle manufacturer that sells bicycles and accessories to global markets. The company has their data warehouse data stored in an Azure SQL Database.

Download the Adventureworks pbix file from Microsoft docs :

Contoso pbix file

The Contoso BI Demo dataset is used to demonstrate DW/BI functionalities across the entire Microsoft Office product family. This dataset includes C-level, sales/marketing, IT, and common finance scenarios for the retail industry and support map integration. In addition, this dataset offers large volumes of transactions from OLTP and well-structured aggregations from OLAP, along with reference and dimension data.

Download the Contoso pbix file from Microsoft :

Sales & Returns sample pbix file

Power BI report designers Miguel Myers and Chris Hamill created the Sales & Returns .pbix file to demonstrate many new features in Power BI, including buttons, drill through, conditional formatting, what-if, and customized tooltips.The scenario for this report is a company that sells Microsoft-themed skateboards. They want to see the state of their sales and returns, and analyze how they should modify their operations.

Download the Sales & Returns pbix file from Microsoft :–returns-sample-pbix-file

Tabular editor

Tabular editor website :

Developper tools

BI Developer Extensions (previously BIDS Helper)

A Visual Studio extension that enhances development functionality in Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS) and SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT).

SQL Server Analysis Services Tabular Protocol

Documentation of the Microsoft SSAS APIS

Custom analyser

Custom analyser

With ‘Custom analyser’ feature, Power BI Sidetools users can use external tools built by the…

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